Brainwaves of thoughtless Vomit

February 7, 2009

Why do we argue? Now to talk on this issue I thought I will present an argument. Its like a vicious circle. These arguments that we have with all the people we know. Always to prove a point, present a view point, get things done our way. We fight it out, stake our claims to get the other person to agree on our stand.

There are other genres of arguments too. Arguments with friends on just whims and fancises. Arguments with people that you are close to because you felt hurt at some moment. And we let go of it all we built in terms of a relationship, be it between two friends, a couple, boss and employee, mother and son, siblings…even random people. The list of argumentative situations and scenarios is un-ending.

Then there is another genre of arguments and brickbat fights. These I shall call the ‘brainwaves of thoughtless vomit’. These arguments happen for no apparent reason to the context of the conversation. These arguments are the brainchild of some hidden frustration in the conscious of our subconscious mind (c/o Mr. V).

We blurt out something which we dont understand, coz there is lot of unsaid things on our minds. Things that bother us, things that even though trivial but keep our heads in a constant sense of dizziness. Then we do something foolish and big bang Boom! We are in an argument. And we realize that we are wrong but we keep going on. The only hope for this argument to end is when the other party shows some sense and disposes the argument and forgives the other poor soul. But alas!…the argument continues.

Phone call with curses.. text messages with lot of anger and sarcasm we do it all. We are humans we are good at this. 🙂 The two individuals go head on each other like two raging bulls. It goes on and on….never ending vicious circle of argument. Then there is a coldness….a cold war….

I just whack! my brain as I write this, where am I heading on this thought process. Why dont these two individuals I just created stop arguing. I cant find the answer. I guess thats the root of all causes. Answers.
We look for them, we create them, we assume them. but we dont have any answers, any clue…

We should just stop looking for answers, for questions that are beyond physical or logical thought process.
We should learn to live in a manner in which we slide over any situation. We just face the arguments in our lives as they come and then we just forget about them next day. Move on….
If we are stuck on the same things in our lives we will be nothing better than the monkeys and langoors who fight for there spheres of influence and bananas with same vigour. We are humans we should be better. We should have a system in the social constructs which make arguments to be invalid after day. Arguments spanning different zip codes should be void as soon as the conversation comes to an abrupt halts.

Let us build a tomorrow of no arguments but just view points.Might sound absurdly vague reading this. but you gotta give me this, that this is my blog and these are my thoughts. That’s the only argument you cannot win. So let it be dear reader, just smile and forget this one sided argument. 🙂

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